Sermon Series “Joy to Your World”

Four week Advent series talking about Joy – about the happiness in the Christmas story.

Video MessageResources
Week 1:
Zechariah’s Song
Monday Memo notes

Scripture Reading this Week
Want to read more about Zechariah? As promised yesterday, here’s a link to what we call “Zechariah’s Song,” his poem of praise after his abilities to speak and hear are restored:  Luke 1.67-79: Luke 1:67-79 – NRSV
The Birth of John the Baptist for All Ages
This animated retelling of John’s birth and naming can be forgiven for getting a few of the details wrong (i.e., Zechariah had lost both his ability to speak and hear); it’s really well done…his joy simply cannot be contained:  Zechariah’s Benedictus: His Name is John
Week 2:
A Remarkable Teenager and Her Magnificat
Monday Memo notes

Song for the Week
“Breath of Heaven,” covered by Hannah Kerr – Hannah Kerr – Breath of Heaven
A Dive Deeper into Mary’s Magnificat
More on Mary as a teenage mom – 
We Forget Mary Was A Teenager – FAMVIN NewsEN
More on the revolutionary message of The Magnificat (and lots more) – 
The Subversive Magnificat: What Mary Expected The Messiah To Be Like
Week 3:
Good News to All People
Monday Memo notes

Prayer for the Week
Adapted from The Presbyterian Outlook (12/20): 
God, in this season of Advent, help us discern where You are already at work to renew and repair Your good but broken creation. Help us to trust that Your future, even now, is coming to realization in our midst. And help us to join together to rebuild and restore your world on the foundation of the justice You envision for us in Christ, amen.
Week 4:
Anna’s Wait is Over
Monday Memo notes

A Prayer for the Week
A Prayer Adapted from Philippians 1.25 and 3.13:
Lord, until our dying day may we continue to progress in the faith, moving from where we are to where You’re taking us, leaving behind whatever we must in order to stretch forward to what You have for us next, and through this pursuit may You lead us into greater and greater joy, amen.  
A Video Recommendation from our Christian Education Committee
Here’s a short, special edition video about Christmas from “The Chosen”: The Chosen Special Christmas Episode 
A Song for the Day
Anna’s fallibility, with which we can all relate, led me (Pastor Chris) to find this creative take on the well-known Christmas carol, “O Come All Ye Faithful.” – I hope you find it as moving as I did: 
“O Come All You Unfaithful” – O Come, All You Unfaithful
Resources for Celebrating Christmas at Home with Your Family This Week
From The Presbyterian Outlook, here are a bunch of resources to use with your family anytime this week, but they’re specifically intended for Christmas Eve: 
December 24 — Christmas Eve: Family faith formation @ home