What is the worship service like?
Simply put – we gather in the presence of God through prayer, music, scripture, sermon, and the sacraments.
Our worship follows an ordered encounter with God focused on the celebrative nature of worship and saving acts of God.
We use a broad range of musical content and styles that form an expression of the whole church both past and present. The music is primarily led by our choir and band. Children, soloists, handbells, instrumentalists, and dancers are also frequent contributors to our musical and artistic worship.
Sermons are typically part of a four-to-six-week series that get us engaged and help us to more fully explore and focus on a given theme but rest assured – each sermon stands on its own, so feel free to worship with us at any time.
On the first Sunday of each month, we celebrate the sacrament of Communion, and we invite all who believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior to join us around the Lord’s table.
Children are always welcome in the sanctuary. Church is a family – everyone belongs (see below for more details).
Our Online Service is available starting at 9:30 AM each Sunday. The link and bulletin are available on our home page each week, or you can tune in and subscribe to our YouTube channel. Many past services are available, so feel free to explore a variety of sermon topics, or just get a better feel for what our worship and mission are all about.
Children in Worship
Children are an important part of our church, and worship is no exception. We welcome children of all ages in worship and encourage them to take an active role in the service.
- There is a nursery available during the service and is staffed by a professional childcare worker.
- Children’s church is available for ages 3 years old through 2nd grade during the sermon. It allows time for the children to grow, learn, offer, reach, and yearn (GLORY time) in an entertaining and hands-on way.
- Children staying through the service are welcome to borrow an “activity bag” to use during worship.
- Our children’s choir “The Joyful Noise” allows our young ones to lead worship using their voices. The group meets weekly at 10:30 AM during the fellowship/coffee time.
Special Services
In addition to the regular Sunday morning worship service, we hold a number of special services throughout the year:
- Ash Wednesday
- Maundy Thursday
- Easter Sun Rise Service (in our outdoor sanctuary)
- Christmas Eve