Back to Virtual-Only

KirkWood Presbyterian Family,

As you’re likely aware, the CoVid crisis is worsening; all key indicators suggest we are headed into a difficult winter. For example, infection and hospitalization rates are higher right now than at any other point during this pandemic, including the spring. 

This means that the KW family is at greater risk. Consider that with our current average in-person Sunday worship attendance and the present CoVid infection rate, we ran a 50% chance that someone at our services on 12/6 was infected with CoVid. That probability is projected to be 65% by this coming weekend. 

Wanting to ensure the health of the congregation, and especially the most vulnerable in it, KW’s Session has met, and decided to follow the strong recommendation of our denomination and Presbytery to suspend in-person worship, beginning this coming Sunday, 12/13, and continuing until further notice.

We will livestream worship services at 9:30 AM each Sunday; the only persons in the building on Sundays will be the team leading and streaming our services. We’ll email you the link for the service beforehand each week; the link, as well as the bulletin and virtual friendship pad, will also be available on the homepage of KW’s website. You can always catch past services on your YouTube channel as well. 

Groups may continue to meet onsite, provided that they are 25 or less in number, wear masks, and exercise social distance (in accordance with the current amended governor’s order). 

To borrow the sentiment of St. Paul in 1st Corinthians 5.3 and Colossians 2.5, we may not be gathered together on Sunday mornings in our sanctuary for awhile, but we are, and will remain, united in spirit. We are the church together, vibrant, engaged, and courageous, whether or not we’re in the same place at the same time. 

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me anytime. 

For the KW Session,

Pastor Chris