Four week Advent series
Video Message | Resources |
Week 1: The Candle of Hope | Monday Memo notes Advent 2022 Devotionals Here are three free Advent devotionals. Any would make a great companion in your personal spiritual life for Advent 2022: Brand new from Kate Bowler, church historian at Duke Divinity School: Advent-2022-printable.pdf An interactive, simple devotional guide from The Presbyterian Church of Canada, which might be neat to do with your kids (you can download the PDF from this page): Advent Devotional for 2022: A Journey to Christmas The free daily devotional guide for Advent 2022 from the WV conference of the United Methodist Church: 2022 WVUMC Advent Devotions |
Week 2: The Candle of Peace | Monday Memo notes 1) Want to learn more about “shalom”? – This is a great 3+ minute video describing the wide range of meanings of “shalom” and its core definition, spanning across the whole of scripture: Shalom – Peace – An interview with one of America’s great Old Testament scholars on the meaning and practice of “shalom”: Shalom: Conversation with Dr. Walter Brueggemann – A series of reflections, for use in your prayer or devotional time, on shalom: Steps-toward-Shalom.pdf – One pastor’s reflection on trying to live and practice “shalom”: Learning to Live Shalom – A great, easily-readable book on “shalom” that connects it directly to the gospel/good news of Jesus is “The Very Good Gospel” (by Lisa Sharon Harper): The Very Good Gospel: How Everything Wrong Can Be Made Right: Harper, Lisa Sharon, Brueggemann, Walter 2) Want to read a few stories in the gospels when Jesus offered shalom/peace to someone or a group, and then they had to choose how to proceed forward from that encounter? In each episode below in which “peace” appears, ask yourself: what is the peace/shalom that Jesus gives or offers, and what is the choice about peace/shalom that the person/group has to make? Luke 7.36-50 NRSVA Luke 8.40-48 NRSVA Luke 10.1-12 NRSVA Luke 24.36-43 NRSVA 3) Want to read or hear Martin Luther King Jr.’s last Christmas sermon in full, its subject matter being peace on earth? (One note of correction from yesterday’s sermon, incidentally – this was preached on Christmas Eve, 1967, not Christmas Day, 1967): Martin Luther King Jr – A Christmas Sermon on Peace – 1967 Martin Luther King, Jr., Christmas Sermon |
Week 3: The Joy of Christmas | Monday Memo notes An Advent Prayer – Joy Rev. Paul Sauer -Lutheran Forum: Our good God, set our minds on heavenly, good, and Christ-worthy things, and fill us with your joy. Help us receive the simple joys of life, like morning dew, high mountains, green valleys, and beautiful music. Remind us of the joy that comes from receiving our daily bread, forgiving and being forgiven, and being rescued from the temptation and evil that besets us. Renew our commitment to joy in a world that seeks to dissuade and deter us from it. Strengthen our joy in Your promises and work in the world that will not fail. Lord of light in whom there is no darkness at all, make our joy complete. These prayers we offer through Christ, our truest joy, amen. |
Week 4: The Candle of Love | Monday Memo notes Beautiful 2.5 minute video reflection on the love we know through the gift of Jesus at Christmas: Vertical Worship:Advent – Love A short video reminder to share with others the very same love God has given us during Advent: Advent Week 2: Love An extraordinary 2.5 min. video about the very best kind of earthly love…let it inspire you to love likewise: LOVE IS A GIFT – Christmas Short Film Three devotional articles about Advent love, each with its own emphasis: Advent Love — Today Daily Devotional Themes of Advent: Love Advent Reflections from the N.T. Wright Online Team (The love devotional is the 2nd one on this page) |